How do I add my logo to a report?

Show logo or letterhead on my report

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How to document the cause of an anomaly?

Add cause or recommendations related to an image

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How do I set time format?

TI Reporter™ allows users to set 12 hour or 24 hour format.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How do I set date format?

TI Reporter™ has 3 date format options.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

Can I set a preferred Temperature Unit?

TI Reporter™ allows users to preset the preferred Temperature Unit (°F or °C).

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How can I duplicate a Route?

If you have previously entered a Route in Ti Reporter™, it is easy to duplicate the Route to a new report.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How can I import a Route?

Ti Reporter™ allows you to import data from an excel spreadsheet.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How can I change the order of lines listed in a Route?

The order of items listed in a Route can be changed at anytime.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How can I change the order of my image pages?

Image Pages can be sorted manually or with the reset button.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How do I access the Dashboard?

Your Dashboard will give you access to all functions of TI Reporter™.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How do I find My Customer List

Access to your customer list is through the link in left column on your homepage.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How do I find to previous Reports

Access to your started or completed reports through the link in left column on your homepage.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How can I add or update my equipment list

Under "Settings" on the dashboard, you can add, de-active and/or update your equipment list. Equipment is NOT limited to infrared imagers.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How to add a new thermographer?

Under "Settings" on the dashboard, you can add, de-active and/or update your thermographer list.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How do I change my password?

When you are in the program, you can change your password under Account settings.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How do I add the "Cost of Inspection"?

The “Cost of Inspection “and the “Cost Savings Report” page and related calculations apply to Electrical and Mechanical reports only.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago

How do I remove a page from the PDF?

TI reporter™ allows you to remove pages from your final PDF in the "Print to PDF" preview screen.

Written by Support Manager
Updated 3 years ago